High School Unit III

Lesson C: Suggested Links & Resources


EDSITEment unit, "From Courage to Freedom: Frederick Douglass's 1845 Biography"

EDSITEment unit, "How people in the North and South reacted to the Emancipation Proclamation"

"Making the World Better: The Struggle for Equal Rights in Nineteenth Century America" focuses on two Massachusetts women— Sarah Parker Remond, an African-American abolitionist, and Lucy Stone. The unit includes a Teacher's Guide.


Bread and Roses: Mills, Migrants, and the Struggle for the American Dream, by Bruce Watson (Viking, 2005).

Bread and Roses, Too, by Katherine Paterson (Clarion Books, 2006). [Ages 10-14]

Commonwealth of Toil: Chapters in the History of Massachusetts Workers and Their Unions, by Tom Juravich, William F. Hartford, and James R. Green (University of Massachusetts Press, 1996).

We Will Rise in Our Might: Workingwomen's Voices from Nineteenth-Century New England, by Mary H. Blewett (Cornell University Press, 1991).


Account of Lynn shoe strike in Howard Zinn's People's History of the United States

Description of Bread & Roses strike in Socialist Worker

Workable Peace project has developed a curriculum for intergroup conflict resolution.

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