Document E/MS I-5: John Seller's A Mapp of New England, 1675.

Seller's Mapp is the first large, detailed map devoted solely to New England.
Divide the class into groups of four; give each group four copies either of Seller’s 1675 map or Foster’s 1677 map. Ask students to determine what area their map represents and to identify a few key places that will help orient them. Students working with Foster’s map may be puzzled by its orientation. Ask the classwhat is “wrong” with this map? Why might Foster have made the map this way? Describe the types of tools cartographers had available to them in the seventeenth century.
Have each group locate the rivers and ocean and, once they agree, color them in blue. (Distribute magnifying glasses if available.) Students should then divide their map into quarters, with each student assigned to answer the following questions about his/her area:
Once students have completed their individual work, ask them to discuss their findings in their small groups and work together to create a key for their map. Ask the whole class: