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High School
HS Unit I: Free But Far From Equal: The African American Experience in Massachusetts, 1780–1863
Lesson A: The Struggle for Racial Justice, 1780-1863
Activity 1: Starting With What Students Know
Activity 2: Exploring the Mass Moments Website for Answers
Activity 3: Creating a Timeline
Activity 4: Additional Research
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Lesson B: Men and Women, Black and White, Who Made a Difference
Activity 1: Interviewing Anti-Slavery Activists
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Lesson C: The Fight for Equal Education, 1800–1855: Two Case Studies of School Desegregation
Activity 1: Panel Discussion/Debate: Integration v. Segregation?
Activity 2: New Opportunities in Education
Lesson D: The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850: A Case Study of Resistance
Activity 1: Analyzing the Fugitive Slave Act
Activity 2: Comparing and Contrasting Two Points of View in Newspaper Reports
Activity 3: Anthony Burns—Slave-Catchers Come to Boston for the Last Time
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HS Unit II: Women's Struggle for Equal Rights, 1825 - 1930
Lesson A: Advocates for Higher Education
Activity 1: The 1840s—How Things Stood for Women
Activity 2: Advocates for Female Education
Activity 3: Extended Research
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Lesson B: The Activists
Activity 1: Nineteenth-Century Women Activists
Activity 2: The Difference One Individual Can Make
Activity 3: Fifty Years’ Worth of Gains
Activity 4: The “Anti’s’” Efforts
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Lesson C: The Trail Blazers
Activity 1: Women Making History
Activity 2: The Work of a Nobel Peace Prizewinner
Activity 3: Creative Extensions
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HS Unit III: Voices of Labor - Working People Organize, 1925-1930
Lesson A: Creating a Context
Activity 1: Early Years in the Lowell Mills
Activity 2: The Impact of Invention
Activity 3: Why Unions?
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Lesson B: Working Toward Change
Activity 1: George McNeill’s Work
Activity 2: Extended Research
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Lesson C: The Right to Strike?
Activity 1: On Strike
Activity 2: Finding Patterns
Activity 3: Extended Research
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Grades 5-8
E/MS Unit I: Two Cultures Collide: Early Relations Between English Settlers and Indigenous People in Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay Colonies
Lesson A: Native American Tribes and English Colonists in Early Massachusetts
Activity 1: Mapping Native American Tribes and English Settlements
Activity 2: Reading Early Settlers’ Accounts
Activity 3: Examining a Land Deed
Activity 4: Examining Historic Maps for Information
Activity 5: Creative Extension - County Maps
Lesson B: Indian “Praying Towns”
Activity 1: Examining the Puritans’ Goals in Relation to Native Peoples
Activity 2: Establishing "Praying Towns" and Educating Indian Youth
Lesson C: King Philip’s War
Activity 1: Accounts of King Philip’s War
Activity 2: The Fate of Indian “Praying Towns”
Lesson D: William Apess and the “Mashpee Revolt”
Activity 1: The Rev. William Apess Presents a Different Point of View
Activity 2: The "Mashpee Revolt"
Unit Vocabulary List
E/MS Unit II: Building a New Society: Life in Colonial Massachusetts
Lesson A: The First English Settlements in the Massachusetts Bay Colony
Activity 1: Creating Big Maps Showing Early Towns
Activity 2: Multiplying Towns
Lesson B: Religious Intolerance in Seventeenth-Century Massachusetts
Activity 1: The Puritans’ Promise to God
Activity 2: High Cost of Following Other Religious Beliefs
Activity 3: Religious Diversity Today
Activity 4: How the Puritans Celebrated Christmas
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Lesson C: A Young Colony Faces Challenges
Activity 1: The Need for Labor
Activity 2: Threats to the Community
Activity 3: The Printed Word
Activity 4: Creative Extension
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Grade 3
Using Mass Moments in Third Grade Classrooms
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