Primary Source
On Sunday last, Paul Revere, Esq. aged 83. In the death of Col. Revere the community, but especially the extensive circle of his own connections, have sustained an irreparable loss. . . . Cool in thought, ardent in action, he was well adapted to form plans, and to carry them into successful execution, –– both for the benefit of himself & the service of others.
In the early scenes of our revolutionary drama, which were laid in this metropolis, as well as at a later period of its progress, his country found him one of her most zealous and active of her sons. His ample property, which his industry and perseverance had enabled him to amass, was always at the service of indigent worth, and open to the solicitations of friendship, or the claims of more intimate connections. His opinions upon the events & vicissitudes of life, were always sound and formed upon an accurate observation of nature and an extensive experience. His advice was therefore as valuable as it was readily proffered to misfortune. A long life, free from the frequent afflictions of diseases, was the consequence of constant bodily exercise, & regular habits, –– and he has died in a good old age & all which generally attend it,
"As honors, love, obedience, troops of friends," have followed him to the tomb.
"Boston Intelligencer," May 16, 1818.