Primary Source
From Garrison's "The American Union," published in the Liberator on January 10, 1845.
Accursed be the American Union, as a stupendous republican imposture!
Accursed be it, as the most frightful despotism, with regard to three millions of people, ever exercised over any portion of the human family!
Accursed be it, as the most subtle and atrocious compromise ever made to gratify power and selfishness!
Accursed be it, as a libel on Democracy, and a bold assault on Christianity!
Accursed be it, as stained with human blood, and supported by human sacrifices!
Accursed be it, for the terrible evils it has inflicted on Africa, by burning her villages, ravaging her coast, and kidnapping her children, at an enormous expense of human life, and for a diabolical purpose!
Accursed be it, for all the crimes it has committed at home - for seeking the utter extermination of the red men of its wildernesses - and for enslaving one-sixth part of its teeming population!
Accursed be it, for its hypocrisy, its falsehood, its impudence, its lust, its cruelty, its oppression!
Accursed be it, as a mighty obstacle in the way of universal freedom and equality!
Accursed be it, from the foundation to the roof, and may there soon not be left one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down!
Henceforth, the watchword of every uncompromising abolitionist, of every friend of God and liberty, must be, both in a religious and political sense - "NO UNION WITH SLAVEHOLDERS!"
Quoted in William Lloyd Garrison and the Fight against Slavery: Selections from The Liberator, ed. by William E. Cain (St. Martin's Press, 1995).