Primary Source
From first Issue of Publick Occurrences: Both Foreign and Domestic
It is designed, that the Country shall be furnished once a month (or if any glut of occurrences happen, oftener) with an account of such considerable things as have arrived unto our notice. . . .
. . . We have news here that King William [of Orange] is safe arrived in Ireland and is marched with one hundred and forty thousand foot and horse(s). Himself leads the body, the Duke of Scomburgh the right wing and the Earl of Oxford the left wing. Duke Hamilton of Scotland leads the forlorn hope with ten thousand men under him. Great victory they daily have and much people daily come to him, with submission. He has 200 shipping with him, of one fort or other. Over one hundred sail daily a run between Ireland and England, with meat for man and beast, His Majesty being unwilling to trust false Ireland for it. (The king) of France is in much trouble and fear, not only with us but also his son, who has revolted against him lately and has great reason, if reports be true, that the father used to lie with the son's wife. He's got all the Huegenots and all the dissatisfied papists, with the great force of the Duke of Lorraign(e), and are now against him, resolving to depose him of his life and kingdom,
From Publick Occurrences: Both Foreign and Domestic, September 25, 1690.